The 3 Best Tips and Tricks for Beginner Counter Strike Players


With over 25 millions of copies sold to date, Valve Corporation’s Counter-Strike has earned its reputation of being one of the most successful tactical first-person shooter (FPS) franchises in the world. Perhaps what helped the game draw more than 10 million active users every month is its unique and traditional gameplay. Even Counter-Strike Global Offensive, the latest installment of the series that was released in 2012, has defied adapting popular FPS concepts including automatic health regeneration, use of iron sights for improved aiming, and instant respawning of items among others.

Nowadays, being on top of Counter-Strike standings is almost an impossible feat to accomplish if you are just a beginner. This is mainly because of the unforgiving style of the game and the community already getting packed with elite gamers who honed their skills to near perfection over the years. Fortunately, there are some ways that you can do to easily master the game and make your way into the elite ranks. With a lot of patience and practice, these 3 effective tips and tricks for beginners will help you advance in the game.

1. Install the latest hack.

If you are are not comfortable in using a Counter-Strike cheat because you are worried about getting caught by the game moderators, then you probably haven’t heard of the latest version of Counter-Strike Global Offensive (CS GO) hack from IWantCheats. The latest CS GO hack is written in advanced codes that still hasn’t been detected for over two years.

The most comprehensive CS GO hack on the internet, which can be yours at a very affordable price, is packed with amazing features that will surely level up your gaming experience. Aside from features that make you look like just another experienced shooter, the hack also includes a fast and smart aimbot for instant kills, glowing ESP for unlimited vision range, player warnings to always keep you on alert, and much more.

2. Configure your settings.

We all want to play the game in the most convenient way possible. First and foremost modification that you should do is to lower the default mouse sensitivity. This will vary on the type of computer that you are using. Doing this will surely improve your accuracy and will help you get clean headshots instantly. Turning off the “switch weapon on pick-up” option will also help you to improve your concentration and reaction time in the battles. And lastly, change the crosshair color to pink or other contrasting tones to help you get a clearer aim of the target. You can also change the keys to different commands to make it easier for you to control your character.

3. Get into aim training.

Quit running and gunning with low accuracy and start learning how to use your movements and to shoot with purpose. Always keep your weapon at head level and make it a habit to cover first before reloading your gun. It may take a lot of patience to do so, but learning the spray patterns of all your weapons will help you make use of your bullets with efficiency during continuous firing. Practice your aiming in some of the best CS GO maps and become a deadly shooter in no time.