SEO Quick Fixes You Can Make in Under an Hour


Even though search engine optimization is a long-term strategy, it doesn’t have to be a long, time-consuming process. Even if you are starting from scratch with your digital marketing efforts, you can implement a few quick fixes on your website in under an hour.


Here are some simple SEO techniques that will make an impact without requiring tons of time.

Remove all 404 pages

A healthy backlink profile is crucial for a website’s SEO. When your website is riddled with broken links, Google web crawlers will be unable to accurately portray the health of your backlink profile, which can reduce your standing in search engine result pages. Not only that, but the likelihood of a customer staying on a website after they reach a 404 page is pretty slim. So with these reasons in mind, it is always better to have no link instead of a broken link when it comes to SEO.

Check for duplicate content

Having duplicate content may cause you to receive a penalty from Google, because duplicate content is seen as spammy and a turnoff for potential clients. Check all of your blogs to make sure you have no reposts of a specific article, or headings/title tags that are the same. Simply rewrite them into fresh content, and you’re all set.

It’s important to note that duplicate content does not mean multiple posts of content around the same subject. Instead, it means content that is word for word verbatim with another piece.

Add geotagged keywords

It is all too easy to forget local SEO, which is the SEO for your geographic location, when optimizing a website. To make your content more relevant to a local audience, add keywords with your city’s name in them, which is known as geotagged. For example, this can be as simple as changing the keyword from “plumbing contractors” in a blog to “plumbing contractors in Rochester, New York.”

Optimize all existing pages

It is an SEO best practice to follow the same format for every website page. Just double-check and add when necessary,  the following on each page to see results quicker:

  1. Alt tags
  2. Title tags
  3. HTML is consistent
  4. Headers
  5. Meta descriptions

Opt for mobile optimization

More and more users are solely using their smartphones to search, shop, and buy online. Put your brand in front of more eyes by having a mobile optimized website. While this may take a bit longer than an hour to put in place, you can outsource this job to a web development expert.

Write CTAs

The more call-to-actions you have on your website, the better. It is a great SEO practice to make the habit of putting a CTA in your header and footer of your website, in the meta description of each blog, on social media, and in the titles of your content. These subtle reminders will work hard to push your customer base to call you, make a purchase, or stop by your store.

Take time on social media

Think of your social media platforms as being extensions of your website. Because of social media’s popularity, potential clients just might visit your social media page before even thinking of going to your website. So make sure it is as informative as can be. Add content to the “about me” section, post FAQs, interact with users, share photos, and post links to your website.

Many digital marketing newbies think that SEO has to be complicated. These tricks prove otherwise; within a few minutes and with the tricks above, you will soon see results from the fruit of your labor.