F.E.A.R. 3 Screen Shots and Concept Art

The Fear series is decent I think, but I’m partial to horror myself so I could be biased, but I’ll certainly be getting part 3 when it comes out. For now though I’ve got some concept art and screen shots for to browse..

The third instalment of F.E.A.R. delivers a heart-pounding paranormal horror experience, showcasing intense combat, compelling narrative, frightening single player and divergent co-op play that evolves the franchise.  Alma returns for F.E.A.R. 3 but this time her sons Point Man and Paxton Fettel will be playable as two distinctly unique experiences in co-operative play.  To further ensure extreme terror in F.E.A.R. 3, legendary horror mastermind John Carpenter (Halloween) and critically acclaimed horror comic and script writer Steve Niles (30 Days of Night) provided consultation. 


EPA_Concept_Final EPA_InteriorCockpit mechmule_Biped_04_boris PA5 copy

F3_360_2PAsFencedIn F3_360_EPABlueRingsAndSoldier F3_360_EPARedSky F3_360_EPAShadowBridge F3_360_LaserPAHeadOn F3_360_PALandingOnBridge F3_360_RunningPALaser F3_360_SoldierAndPAInHouse

