When you think of being outdoors camping and hiking and such you don’t usually think about electronics being involved but we live in world where we’re always connected no matter how far off the beaten path we go. Our smartphones are great but they’re not exactly made for outdoors so we need something to protect them especially from water which is just bad, very bad for our phones. Today for review I’ve got a set of three bags from a company called Free Grace, all three are waterproof, there’s one for your phone, and then one which resembles a fanny pack and then the last is a larger capacity dry bag. It’s the perfect set for going outdoors, you’ve got everything you need for a say in the wild to keep your electronics and clothing and more safe and dry. Read on to learn more…
Specifications and Features
The phone pouch or case has a nylon adjustable lanyard attached to it so you can hang it around your neck if you want or you can attach it to your backpack. The bag is clear on the back and then it has a window section on the front large enough to see your phone.
The bag is sealed we levers that essentially lock the water out. you put your phone in and then place the top back on and secure the levers down to form the seal to keep the water out.
I used the case with my Samsung Galaxy S6 and I found I could keep it in the Otterbox case and it still fit in the waterproof case just fine. I tried using the phone through the case and it did work well, the touchscreen responded to my touches just like when it wasn’t in the case.
The instructions that come with the case say to test it in water with a tissue before using to make sure it’s waterproof and it did work sort of. The first time I noticed the tissue did get wet a little bit as it seems I didn’t correctly close and seal the pouch. I tried again with another tissue, but this time I made sure to carefully close and seal the pouch and then when I tested it no water got in. So what I learned here is that you need to be very careful when closing and sealing the pouch or water can get in.
The waist pack is big enough to hold your phone and more and it has a sturdy adjustable nylon strap with a heavy duty clip. The bag has two zip style seals inside to keep the water out and a velcro strip to hold the top closed. The bag seems to be made of a rubbery waterproof material that seems fairly sturdy but it doesn’t seem really thick. I have to question the longevity of the bag, but who knows, only time will tell right?
My favorite part of this little kit is the dry bag, which is something I’ve always wanted but just never got for myself. The bag is about 13 x 7 inches when flat and it has a 5 liter capacity which is more than enough to hold some extra clothes for the day and keep the dry of course. The bag is made of 500D Tarpaulin material which feels like thick rubber but if you look closely you can see it’s reinforced with fibers in the material. The bag is sealed with two thick zip style closures and then you fold it down and clip it together to really seal it. Included is a heavy duty adjustable nylon strap with clips on the ends so you can carry the bag over your shoulder.
These three bags from Free Grace and inexpensively priced for what you get, three bags for a day or more outdoors to keep all your stuff safe and dry.
The phone pouch is decent, but you have to remember to be very careful when sealing it. The first time I tried it did leak, but then I tried again and there was no water getting in. So yes it’s useful, but you just need to be careful when sealing your phone in the pouch.
The waist pack or fanny pack is a larger bag that seals well thanks to the dual zipper seals. The bag seems decent but I question the longevity of it as it doesn’t seem very durable overall.
The dry bag is my favorite of this set as it’s very well made and large enough to carry your clothes for a day or two and maybe even a few other things. The bag is well made and durable and even has a carrying strap.
All in all I like this set of a lot, it’s a basic outdoor bag set really. You get all three bags for one price and don’t have to worry about buying them separately.
+Inexpensive for set of 3 bags
+Very useful set
+Dry bag is very well made
-Must be very careful when sealing phone pouch

Grading | Scores Out of 10 |
Overall | ![]() |
Design / Aesthetic | ![]() |
Value / Price | ![]() |
Performance / Usage | ![]() |
Disclosure: This product was given to me for review by the company for review purposes only for free or at a discounted price.
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