Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

Review of V-Moda Faders Ear Plugs

I’ve got something different for review today, but it’s from a company that you’ve most likely heard of, V-Moda. The product is ear plugs, yes actual ear plugs like those you use to protect your ears from loud noises. They…

DVDs Will Stay at

Well this is a change from what they said earlier, DVDs will be staying at now and not Qwikster. I wonder what brought about the change? I for one dropped my DVDs altogether from Netflix and now only have…

Dungeon Defenders is Coming to Steam

Yep, that great little Apple and Android game called Dungeon Defenders is coming to your PC by way of Steam. The game is coming to Playstation network and the PC on October 18th and Xbox live on the 19th. There…

Free iOS App: Insert-A-Zombie

Just I time for Halloween, a free app for you that’s called Insert-A-Zombie and it’s just what it sounds like. You can insert zombies or ghosts into any photos you’ve taken with this great little free app. There’s 110 choices,…

Battlefield 3 Screenshots

Not much to say about this one, it’s a bunch of screenshots from the long awaited Battlefield 3 single player campaign. Ripped from the gripping single-player campaign, these brand new screens from Battlefield 3 showcase the power of the Frostbite…