Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

Cellular South Introduces the MOTOROLA XOOM Wi-Fi

Cellular South appears to have got some love from Motorola. They’re also offering a free mifi to those that sign up for their data plan. Cellular South, the largest privately-held wireless communications provider in the U.S., today announced availability of…

Mozy Announces Apps for iPhone and Android

Mozy, I’ve never used it but I’ve heard good things about it. Anyway, Android and iPhone users can now get it. Mozy™, the industry-leading online backup service from EMC Corporation (NYSE: EMC), announced today general availability of the Mozy mobile…

AT&T Introduces the AT&T Mobile Protection Pack

Hmm, $5 per month isn’t bad for phone protection considering they can easily cost into the hundreds of dollars.  It’s everything combined, insurance, support and locate missing phone, even securing the data remotely. – AT&T* today announced the availability of…