Hmmm… destroy a Kingston SSD and get $3,000… not bad for some destructive fun eh? Kingston today announced the SSD Destructo Challenge. Kingston® wants contestants to submit ideas on how to destroy one of its solid-state drives. The Grand Prize…
They’re almost finally here, and I hope they’re better than the Backflip.. The Bravo, Flipside and Flipout have just been announced for AT&T. They’re all Android phones, ranging from $80 to $130 in price with 2yr agreement of course. The…
Seagate just released what is probably the largest external hard drive on the market today, a 3TB desktop drive called the FreeAgent GoFlex Desk. Like other GoFlex products it’s, for lack of a better word, flexible. The GoFlex comes with…
I like Fallout 3 really, even though many people complained about it. Fallout: New Vegas looks wild and you can pre-order the collector’s edition right now and only on Direct2Drive. Direct2Drive (D2D), a leader in digital distribution of video games,…
I like my Aspire One D250, but I just wish it had a dual core in it and longer battery life, hmm.. guess this means I’ve got get a new one eh? Not only do they have dual cores now,…
Gotta love the Wii.. it might not be as powerful as the other systems, but it’s still a lot of fun! Now Wii party is here and that offers more fun for everyone! Nintendo’s Wii system continues to offer millions…
World of Wacraft Cataclysm is coming soon for those of you that are into it. Regular edition is $39.99 while the special edition is $79.99. The first two World of Warcraft expansions, The Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich…
I’m not happy about my Left4Dead2.. my son went to his friends house, his friend asked if he could borrow my Left4Dead2 for a week and then he destroyed it. Some story about how it got all scratched up, and…
OMG, OMG!!! One the best anime movies ever, at least I like it quite a bit is Fist of the North Star and it’s a game coming November 2nd!!! I can’t wait!! Check out the info, screenshots and a long…
Yeah I’m getting this one.. I love Red Dead, and of zombies can only make it better! Infecting the world of Red Dead Redemption, the pack features a brand new single player story following John Marston as he rides off…
I’m not sure what to think of this game yet, but I like the looks of it. it’s got guns, big guns, mechs, and a ton of other sci-fi stuff in it so it looks good.. Directed by Shinji Mikami,…
2K Sports today released the newest "What If?" trailer for NBA 2K11. In the trailer, Michael Jordan answers the ultimate question, "What if?" What if Michael Jordan played basketball today against Kobe Bryant of the Lakers, Rajon Rondo of the…
This game looks wild.. I think I want it, cars vs zombies, here’s a trailer video for you. BLOOOOOOOD DDRRRIIIIVVEEEE! The first trailer is officially out and we’d love to celebrate with you in Las Ruletas. Some might call that…