The Demo is out… I can’t wait to play this game! Spend the holidays in hell! Visceral Games™, the award-winning developers behind the critically-acclaimed Dead Space™ franchise and a studio of Electronic Arts Inc. today announced a demo for Dante’s…
Do I really need to even post this? I think everyone knows what today is right? It’s time to gear up for all-out, high-speed action and epic combat, as Activision Publishing, Inc. announced today that the most anticipated game of…
OCZ Technology Group, Inc., a worldwide leader in innovative, ultra-high performance and high reliability memory and flash-based storage as an alternative to hard disk drives (HDDs), today announced its collaboration with SandForce on OCZ’s next generation of mainstream and enterprise…
So today we have Drawn To Life The Next Chapter from THQ and I have to say that I never played the first Drawn To Life game so there’s not going to be any comparisons made in regards to the first game, but I can tell you that I had a lot of fun playing this game and so did my kids. It’s a game that I think a lot of people will like, especially children, Drawn To Life is a game that truly allows you to get involved with the game and actually create the gaming world. The interface does take quite a bit to get accustomed to, drawing with the Wii remote can be hard, but in the end it’s a lot of fun.
AT&T* today announced a new 3G LaptopConnect device from Sierra Wireless, the AT&T USBConnect Lightning, will launch in retail stores, business channels and online nationwide beginning November 22. The Lightning delivers enhanced mobile broadband performance on the nation’s fastest 3G…
Active Media Products, manufacturer of SSDs and endangered species series USB drives, today released a new line of Windows® 7 compatible SaberTooth S4 SATA Mini PCIe SSDs that achieve sequential read speeds up to 130MB/sec. Available now in 16GB, 32GB…
I’m sure a lot of you will find this interesting, but me personally, I’m not into the whole pay to play thing of these MMORPGs… I prefer to pay for my game once and then enjoy it, not continue paying…
It’s time to gear up for all-out, high-speed action and epic combat, as the most anticipated game of the year, developer Infinity Ward’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will be available at retail stores everywhere as of midnight, November…
Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: ERTS) today announced it has acquired Playfish™, a leading creator of social network games. The acquisition accelerates EA’s position in social entertainment and strengthens its focus on the transition to digital and social gaming. Playfish will…
iFrogz has some great stuff as I came to find out when I reviewed their iPod case, now their coming to At&t stores just for you! -iFrogz (www.iFrogz.com), a leading developer of accessories for the iPhone™, iPod™ and other consumer…
The Asus EeePC 900a is a great little netbook with one big flaw, it comes with a tiny little 4gb SSD drive that is very slow. Actually there’s two flaws, the second would be how Asus handled the updates of the operating system, they’re automatic and they fill that tiny SSD to the point where the system slows to a crawl. The OS that is on the SSD is ok for just messing around, but let’s face it, most everything is Windows and to be any kind of productive with the EeePC you’ll need to install Windows on it. This isn’t a Linux vs Windows or even vs Mac rant, so I don’t want to hear about it, this is a review of the Runcore 64gb SSD for the EeePC 900a that will turn that little netbook into not only a speed demon, but something that can be a more productive machine.
Noctua is one of my favorite companies, they make great performing products, both fans and CPU coolers, and now they’ve just announced a special edition of their excellent NH-U9B Cooler: Vienna, November 9th – Noctua today announced a new special…