Press Releases

Mercedes-Benz Intros Media Interface Plus

Just what we need, more people playing with their phones while driving, but I guess it’s ok because they’re driving a Benz right? Mercedes-Benz USA  today announced the availability of the Media Interface Plus (MIP), an innovative new vehicle accessory…

Shoot Many Robots Coming 2011

Launching next year, Shoot Many Robots will deliver an onslaught of innovative cross-genre action that will have multiple players working together to fight through an intense and chaotic robot uprising. They’ve just released the teaser trailer and it’s inside for…

Acer Intros AspireRevo Nettop

I’m torn between liking nettops and not. I like the small size of them, but they’re really just a netbook in desktop form so they’re not exactly powerful. Then again I’m a more of an enthusiast and something like my…