Press Releases

YEZZ Announces Billy Windows Phone

Hmm.. a decent 4.7 inch Windows phone for about $250, not bad. Or how about a 4 inch Windows phone for only $139? both of those sound pretty good and that’s what Yezz is bringing in June. The new phone…

Wicked Lasers Launches the Flashtorch

So it’s been a long time since I’ve reviewed any Wicked Lasers products here, the last being the From the makers of the world’s most refined lasers, comes the ultimate in flashlights. The Flashtorch features a 100W 4100 lumen bulb…

Andyroid Brings Android to Your Desktop

This is something interesting I think. Andyroid is Android for your desktop, it allows you to run Android and all the apps right there on your desktop, that’s games and everything. I grabbed it but haven’t played with it yet.…

myTask iPhone Case on KickStarter

So here’s something unique for you iPhone owners out there that are always on the go, or not. The myTask iPhone case is now running over on KickStarter and it’s a case yes but it’s so much more as it’s…