3 Ways Session Replay Tools Can Help Your Business


With the digital age upon us, it is easy to get lost in an influx of big data. Any business that works with e-commerce knows how important it is to have a stable online presence. Whether your products or services are being sold via a website, application, or both, you know that ease of access is one of the key features when it comes to a customer hitting the ‘check out’ button. Nobody wants to lose a customer to faulty programming, or errors that could easily be fixed by an IT team. Session replay tools are what can be used to determine errors, make business decisions, and create real-time scenarios.


Debugging Your Site or App

One of the things that makes a lot of customers decide to buy another comparable product or service is a website or app that is riddled with errors. Many apps and websites have a bug here or there. These can only be fixed if a programmer can see the line of code which has the bug. In order to determine where errors are occurring during a customer’s digital journey, session replay tools will need to be used. These tools are the key to making the user experience seamless. By analyzing big data, and live customer journeys, these tools can easily pinpoint where customers are running into problems. It could be a broken link, or a link that sends the customer to the wrong product page. Most customers will become frustrated if they cannot access the page they want, and click off of the website or shut the app down. This can be avoided by determining where the bug is. You can find various b2b website design tips online to help you avoid issues with your website, there are plenty of helpful and free resources out there.

Create Real-Time Scenarios

Advertising is necessary for all products or services. These can be targeted ads that show up on third party websites, or even ads within the business’ website or app for similar products. Session replay tools can be used to create scenarios in which pseudo customers can click on the ads and be connected to the product. Then, the journey from the first click can be analyzed. If any bugs are present that would impede the path to purchase, they can be determined before the web pages or app links go live. Nobody wants to lose money right out of the gate, and finding all the bugs before a product or service goes live for purchase will work to increase revenue from the start.

Making Critical Business Decisions

Once a product or service has gone live, the customer journeys can be analyzed by session replay tools. There may be no bugs in the website or app, but making sure that the journey is smooth, or could be made smoother may be necessary. If a product is not performing very well, it may be necessary to provide more information regarding it on the requisite pages that pertain to it. New marketing campaigns can also address any information that was deemed to be missing, and the product or service may appear more attractive. It is necessary to use every digital tool possible to have the most effective e-commerce site possible.