Is Your Data Secure? Here’s How to Find Out


Even though every organization seems to be dealing with more data and information flow than ever before, not every company is actually up to speed when it comes to knowing whether or not their information is secure. There are just too many hackers out there to be able to trust that everything you send or receive will be protected. That is exactly why when you have to opportunity to send data or mobile communications, you need to make sure you are being extra cautious. Do the following when it comes to being secure and these tips will both help you to understand your exposure as well as to minimize what sort of exposure you do have currently.

Where Is It Stored?

According to Intuit QuickBooks, one of the hardest things that you can do is to protect your data when you are storing it. That is simply because while you may have it encrypted and you may be using it constantly, there are times when you will no doubt want to leave the office and go to sleep. During those times you need to be certain you know who is taking care of it. After all, you may be away from the office, but if someone can still obtain any sort of access from it then you may just be in a better position to keep it locked down, or you could be in a far worse position as people could still access it.

If you either have a third party store and control your data, or if you use the cloud, then you could at least transfer the responsible and you could also transfer the risk as well. After all, if you have any sorts of confidential information locked away or if you are holding onto private info for your customers themselves, then you could be in for some major trouble if that ever gets out. However, if you are fortunate enough to pass that risk on to the next party and transfer that legal risk away in case a lawsuit or a claim were going to hit, then even if something wrong happened you wouldn’t be on the hook. Transferring risk in itself is never a bad idea.

Live Data Needs Secured As Well

When you think about the current means of how information is transferred and even discussed in general, then you can see why it is so very important to be able to rethink the very way that data and the transfer of data is done. Not only are you able to effectively speak with others if you are using top quality systems such as a video communications server like BlueJeans, but you are also able to ensure that with a secure server you can actually speak with others regarding whatever information you would like and you can breathe easy while you know you will be able to keep your information secure and your name from being tarnished.

This can be especially favorable when it comes to certain fields where data and information is extremely confidential such as the medical, law, and even other professional careers like academia. When you think about the reporting standards, HIPAA law, and other confidentiality agreements that must be in place, then you can strongly consider which type of data you should be using and which ones should be secure at that

Read The User Agreement

When people contract out with respect to sharing data and sensitive information, they are essentially signing a contract to make sure that their information is protected. This is not only stated in the user agreement, but the user agreement itself will also start to go through all of the other specifics when it comes to how that data will be stored, to what lengths it is protected, and how transferring will be handled as well. Instead of just assuming that the company will have your best interests in place, you should follow the advice as listed at CIO and figure out just what you are receiving for your data coverage and security issues.

When you start to think about your data, you can’t just ask if it is sure, you also need to define what data is. Once you know what you are supposed to be protecting you can then discover how to actually protect it. Data sharing and confidentiality is what a business is held accountable for, so if you are able to secure your loose ends then you will have a much easier time of preventing lawsuits, stopping your reputation from being ruined, and even making sure you don’t have a break in your operations as you try to pick up the pieces after a data breech of your own that sets you back days.