Technologies That Have the Potential to Overthrow Nature

You may not realize it, but the following technologies have completely upended the natural order and will continue to do so for decades, if not centuries to come. They all alter the natural landscape by creating, modifying, or destroying it. You might be thinking that “nature is resilient and can always adapt to a change in its environment.” That sentiment would be right, but this is no ordinary change, it’s a human-driven one.


Advances in Technology

The following technologies are not necessarily new inventions, but they have come into being in recent years and are continuing to evolve rapidly: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Technology Sharing Economy, Cybersecurity, Internet of Things (IoT), Conservation of Natural Resources, Radiation Monitoring Systems.

These technologies all have the same challenges – how to talk with other applications and systems. This has been overcome with the use of an api gateway.


Like tiny robots, nanotech breaks down materials into particles that can be used in medicines or fuel cells. It’s improved the quality of life for thousands of people, but also has some terrifying consequences — like the creation of nanobots that can be used for surveillance, or even seek out and kill a specific human being.

Genetic Engineering

This technology has already energized the biotech revolution. It’s now possible to alter plants and animals in fundamental ways. We’ve created tomatoes with built-in pesticides, salmon that grow twice as fast, and a fluorescent bunny rabbit. Some experts believe this technology will allow us to control our evolution within the next century.

Artificial Intelligence

In the last 10 years, A.I. has started revolutionizing industries, from medicine to finance to air travel. It powers Google’s image recognition software and lets computers recognize objects in the world around them. Autonomous cars don’t even have to be programmed because their systems learn from their experiences — the very definition of artificial intelligence.

Space Exploration

We already have a sophisticated, though still wildly limited, eye in space: the Hubble Space Telescope. However, astronomers have another trick up their sleeves called exoplanets, which are planets around other stars. These will allow us to stare back into our origins billions of years ago.


Robots are already an indispensable part of our lives — factory workers rely on them, military soldiers use them to perform dangerous tasks day after day, and even your pet could someday be one.

3D Printing

This technology has allowed people to make a range of objects from guns and tools to spare parts for jet engines. It’s also raised fears that terrorists could use 3D printing to make weapons or bombs.

Nature is easily in control; it can change anything and often it does. However, humans also share the potential to change everything, be it a mountain or sea, it can be done, even if there are some difficulties on our way. It’s just that we’re moving toward a more technology-based world, and only nature itself will be able to stop us from doing so.