Call of Duty: Ghosts Onslaught Screenshots

Quick post, not much to say about this one, the title says it all really. I’ve got nine screenshots for you from the new Call of Duty: Ghost Onslaught DLC. There’s also a link to the trailer down there as well as the link to the DLC..


COD Ghosts Onslaught_Bayview Action COD Ghosts Onslaught_Bayview Environment COD Ghosts Onslaught_Containment Action COD Ghosts Onslaught_Containment Environment COD Ghosts Onslaught_Fog Environment COD Ghosts Onslaught_Ignition Environment Exctinction Nightfall Breeder Battle Exctinction Nightfall Phantom Extinction Nightfall Breeder 


The trailer can still be viewed here:
For more information about the Call of Duty: Ghosts Onslaught DLC, head to