Free Android App: Say Cheese!

Do you take a lot of pictures and share them with your friends and family? Then you might like this new app called Say Cheese. It’s meant to be a social camera for users of Facebook and Google+ as it does offer batch uploading to those sites. One of the more interesting features is that it can be voice activated, you just have to say ‘Say Cheese” and it will take the picture. Of course it’s free and let’s you choose different picture styles and designs for a more personalized and fun look to them. More info and screenshots below for you.

cheese1 ss-800-0-0 ss-800-1-0 ss-800-2-0 ss-800-3-0 


The free Say Cheese Camera app is truly a social camera – listening, talking and integrating seamlessly with Facebook. It is full of easy and time saving features including batch uploading to Facebook and Google+. A fun and innovative Voice Command offers a no touch ability by just verbally stating “Say Cheese!” to take the picture. Custom commands and responses can be entered that Say Cheese will state aloud such as, "That’s a great smile, Jessie!" right after the picture has been taken.

Use of the Live Visual Frames immediately make a photo look retro, aged, weathered or even sassy with many different styles and designs. Stealth Mode makes the screen turn off and a press anywhere on the blank screen will take a picture. Say Cheese is good enough that the stand-alone camera can be left at home.