Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

News for February 26th 2011

  Time for the news. Well tomorrow is my birthday, another year older, oh well just another day to me. Anyway these week I’ve got the Orb TV, another mouse, media player and another printer coming for review for you.…

Sony Drops Price on PSP to $129.99!

I guess now would be the time to buy a PSP? Sony just lowered the price for those thinking about getting one. Sony announced the PSP (PlayStation®Portable) system will be available for $129.99 (MSRP) starting February 27, 2011. Since launching…

Crysis 2 – Be Invisible Trailer

Another Crysis 2 Trailer for you. Enhanced strength and speed are necessary improvements, but it’s the Nanosuit’s invisibility that will give gamers the true advantage.  Fight to save NYC and the world from an all-out alien invasion by slipping into…

Samsung Captivate Froyo Upgrade

Well it actually happened and I’m shocked, but not too impressed. Yes I put Froyo on my Captivate and it seems slower actually and not as responsive. The first thing was that it totally messed up my home screens, I…