Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

Review of Motorola Citrus

Today for review I’ve got another inexpensive phone from Verizon, it’s an Android phone running version 2.1 and it’s from Motorola. The Citrus is meant to be basic and it is, it’s small and compact but yet it gets the…

Review of Verizon LG Vortex

Today for review I’ve got another phone from our friends at Verizon Wireless, it’s the LG Vortex running Android 2.2. The Vortex is small enough to fit right in your pocket comfortably and it offers all of the features you’ve…

Google Nexus S is here!

Well not here in my hands but it’s officially available, or at leas the product page is anyway. It comes with Android 2.3, a 1ghz hummingbird CPU, 512mb ram and 16gb storage. “Nexus S is the next generation of Nexus…

Rock Band 3 Weekly DLC Lineup

Need some new music this week? Harmonix and MTV Games today announced that two packs of songs from legendary rock band Queen, featuring both songs new to the Rock Band platform as well as harmonies, keys and Pro Guitar/Bass upgrades…