Here’s some data via Paypal about Black Friday shopping habits and more. According to them though they saw a 310% increase in mobile shopping, that’s a lot! PayPal today announced Black Friday shopping results, showing a rise in online and…
Now that Black Friday is over, tomorrow is Cyber Monday, they just keep expanding the shopping days more and more don’t they? I didn’t go out Friday except for grocery shopping and to the bank, I’ll pass on all of…
It’s about time I upgraded my Blu-Ray player I think, and has come through for me by sending a very nice Panasonic unit for review. My current Blu-Ray player is an older model from Sony with not many features…
Tokyoflash makes some very unique watches and once of them would make a very nice gift for that someone special in your life. They’re just announced a new one called the Kisai RPM, and they’re having a 15% special until…
We know who Consumer Reports is right? Well they’ve sent me over their ten best Black Friday Electronic deals to share with you which includes everything from laptops and Desktops to HDTVS and cameras and more. We’ve been obsessively poring…
You notice a theme here of the posts today? Yes it’s Black Friday, so that’s what most of them are. The next one I have is for the Going Dancing deal which is 50% off your entire order and free…
Another Black Friday deal for you. Online Crucial is offering special prices on all of their refurbished solid state drives at $1 per gig. Meaning you can get a 256gig drive for $256, or a 128gb for $128 which isn’t…
Yes today is the day, and I’m sure a lot of you are out there shopping right now. Personally I try to do all of my shopping from home that way I don’t have to deal with the lines and…
When I was young I watched a lot of sc-fi movies, and well I still do. The point is that in all of those movies and TV shows the video phone was a popular vision of the future. VoX Communications…
I love my Jawbone 2, but I’ve always wanted to try the new Jawbone Icon, if you do too then you can get one for free from Verizon. On Black Friday when you purchase select phone you can get the…
Something else for Black Friday, they just keep rolling in don’t they. I don’t post everything though, I get numerous emails about Black Friday deals, and from what I’ve seen they’re no different than the regular ‘deals’ that these companies…
I don’t know about you but I hate track pads on laptops and netbooks, after using a mouse for so many years it’s just hard to get accustomed to it really. I have a small wireless mouse that I use…
I got the Undead Nightmare via DLC and it’s a ton of fun, even though I haven’t had much time to really play it lately. The Undead DLC and the rest of the Red Dead DLCs are all now on…