Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio


  Consumer Reports issued the following statement in response to the Apple news conference. "Consumers deserve answers and fairness.  Providing free bumpers and cases is a good first step toward Apple identifying and finding a solution for the signal-loss problem…

Arctic Launched P311 Bluetooth Headphones

These new bluetooth headphones are more than just for making calls, they’re actually a stereo headset for making listening to music etc and you can make calls on them.  The headset will pause the music automatically when you get a…

Review of Samsung Gravity T SGH-t669

Today for review I’ve got my first phone for the T-Mobile network from Samsung called the Gravity T. The ‘T’ in the name stands for Touch, as in touch screen. This new phone from Samsung is sort of small but…

Seagate Unveils New BlackArmor NAS 400

The new BlackArmor NAS400 has an MSRP of $399, and it supports several raid configurations. It features hot-swappable drives, it’s user configurable, you pick the drives you want in it basically and go from there. You can fit a total…