Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

Hitachi GST Launches Z-Series Family

These are small and fast, only 7mm thick. They’re called the Travelstar and Cinemastar drives and are available in both 1.8” and 2.5” sizes. Capacities are up to 320gb, so they’re not small, but they’re not exactly big either.. From…

Nokia Drops Nuron on T-Mobile

Another phone from Nokia is here, this time it’s called the Nuron..  Not sure why it’s spelled that way, as that’s not how you spell Neuron. Anyway, it’s on T-Mobile and will be only $69.99 after $50 mail-in rebate with…

iPad Sales Hit 2 Million

Apple just announced that they’ve hit the 2 Million mark in iPad sales since they went on sale April 3rd.. "Customers around the world are experiencing the magic of iPad, and seem to be loving it as much as we…

LG Fathom Hits Verizon Wireless June 3rd

Hmm, another LG phone on Verizon, the LG Ally just arrived today for review, I guess have this to look forward to next.. The Fathom is a WinMo phone, with QWERTY keyboard, microSD slot, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 3.2” touchscreeen, 1GHZ processor…