Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

Review of KIN Two

A couple weeks ago I took a look at the Kin One from Verizon Wireless, today I have the Kin Two which is sort of the same phone, but just a lot bigger. The larger size of the Kin two…

LG Vu Plus Hits AT&T June 6th

The new LG Vu Plus will be arriving to AT&T customers on June 6th, it offers HSPDA speeds, QWERTY keyboard, touchscreen and access to ATT mobile TV. It looks to be a mobile entertainment type of phone that if you…

Verizon Announces the LG Fathom

I have to wonder who sits around coming up with names for phones? is there some group of people at these companies that just sit around all day thinking of names for phones? Seriously though, where do they get the…