Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

iPad Goes Global!

Look out world, I can almost hear the world’s mobile networks coming to a screeching halt.. the iPad has hit the global stage Apple today announced that iPad(TM) will be available in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, Switzerland…

Nokia Sues Apple

ruh roh raggy, looks like Apple has got into a bit more trouble on the patent front, Nokia has sued them! The patents in question relate to technologies for enhanced speech and data transmission, using positioning data in applications and…

Epson WorkForce 520 Announced

We’ve taken a look at a few Epson printers here on technogog and they’ve all been fairly decent performers. The newest in the Epson line is the WorkForce 520 with a price of $130,  it appears to be very similar…

Verizon Announces the KIN!

I got a Kin! Yes, I’m a little excited about it… Anyway, following this post should be an unboxing video and still pictures for you, for now though here’s the official press release for you to read and learn all…