Introducing Technology to Resistant Employees


If a business wants to introduce new technology, such as software, it can be difficult. This is often because employees are resistant to change. For example, if a business is planning to introduce invoice automation software, they may be met with challenges from employees.

These challenges can arise because employees fear that new technology will render them obsolete. They may also worry that they won’t be proficient with the new software, so it will make their job more challenging. Another issue can be the simple fact that some employees just aren’t going to like change regardless, no matter what it is.

The goal of introducing new technology is to improve agility, efficiency, and productivity. However, if employees aren’t maximizing the use of the technology, it’s a waste of money.

The following are some things to keep in mind when it comes to introducing new technology to resistant employees.

Be Strategic in the Introduction

If employees feel overwhelmed by how something new is introduced, it’s going to be more difficult for them to accept it. If employers dump everything onto employees at one time, they’re likely to meet more resistance.

Any type of change, technology-based or otherwise, is better introduced gradually and strategically. Allow employees to become used to small changes, rather than one big shift.

Present a Case

It’s important for employees to see why new technology, such as software to automatically process invoices, is being introduced. A case needs to be laid out by the employer as to why these changes are occurring.

As part of that case, employers should ensure that they’re highlighting ways the new technology will improve not only the entire organization but also the daily life of the employees. You want to show them how it will make their job easier, and also how it can improve their performance.

Provide Thorough Training

Many times employees are resistant to the introduction of new technology because they’re not comfortable with technology in general.

Employers need to take the lead here, and first, emphasize the user-friendly elements of the technology or software. How user-friendly it is needs to be a key consideration in the selection process. It’s also important that employers provide thorough training to all employees, and provide the opportunity for employees not so comfortable with technology to learn it comprehensively.

Training employees is important not just if they’re resistant to change. It’s also important because you want employees to be adept in their use of their technology so they’re maximizing its capabilities. If something like software isn‘t fully maximized, neither is the ROI.

When providing training, the best route is to customize it to the needs of the individual employees. This can be aided through the use of e-Learning. This then allows employees to move at their own pace, and find the information that’s most relevant to them when they need it. Of course, keep in mind that e-Learning should be very simple because some of the people who most need the training may be the least comfortable with technology.