Tag Archive for apple

Apple Launches iPad

So everybody is all excited about the new announcement from Apple… The iPad is here!  I don’t get what the excitement is really, it’s just a really big iPod Touch, but to each his own I guess… So it’s coming…

Is There A Tablet Computer In Your Future?

Is there a tablet in your future? If you read the news sites or visit many tech blogs, it seems that the newest computer gadget threatening to invade the market is the tablet computer. This year’s CES showed that many…

Swann Brings Home Security to iPhone

Swann Security, the global leader in security monitoring solutions, proudly debuts its latest all-in-one security solution, the DVR4-2500 Security Recorder Kit with Internet Viewing. Swann’s latest kit is comprised of the DVR4-2500 recorder, four indoor/outdoor cameras with night vision, a…

Year In Review: Best And Worst Of The Tech World 2009

2009, what a year it was. To say that it was a roller coaster applies not only to the financial world, but to the tech world as well. We had some great hits, and some equally great misses. Without getting too terribly technical, let’s take a look at some of our favorite hits and misses in the tech world for 2009.