Tag Archive for iPad

Review of SlingPlayer Mobile for iPad

Last week Sling Media released an early holiday present – the iPad version of the Slingplayer Mobile. This app allows the streaming of TV and DVR from one’s Slingbox to the iPad over either a 3G or Wi-Fi connection. While…

Seven inches is enough, RIM tells Jobs

Yes, that’s a real headline.. you have to wonder how that got past the editor!?   The headline is from Australia, so maybe they don’t get it over there, or maybe it was on purpose!  I do agree with this quote…

The Challenge Ahead For The HP WebOS Tablet

HP has announced to the world, plans to release a WebOS based tablet early next year, and it would seem to be a promising product. After all, HP bought Compaq, one of my favorite tablets ever sold to date, the…

The iPad Facebook Experience

The iPad as been heralded (by Apple) as the best way to experience the web. If you’re like a lot of people, you may visit Facebook on a more or less regular basis. So, more than likely, if you use…

iPad Sales Hit 2 Million

Apple just announced that they’ve hit the 2 Million mark in iPad sales since they went on sale April 3rd.. "Customers around the world are experiencing the magic of iPad, and seem to be loving it as much as we…

WeTab – The Linux iPad Alternative

At this point practically everyone has heard of the iPad, and its “magical” effect on sales. But there’s another slick tablet that you may not have heard of that’s making waves, and it has a similar name. That tablet is…