Technicolor Your iPhone in Red, Blue or Pink!

Tired of waiting for that white iPhone? Bored with the basic black? Then why not check out iColors and make your iPhone red, blue or pink. Price is $190 for the DIY kit or $230 for the conversion.

– Bryan Quintanilla and Tony Robino, two young 22-year-old entrepreneurs who look more likely to be playing the videogame Call of Duty than doing surgery with the inner guts of an iPhone, have opened a new business store front repairing broken smart phones, an idea potentially worth millions. It’s called "The SmartPhone Clinic."

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Beginning this week, the company is taking pre-orders for a new service they’re calling "iColors" for the iPhone. They can take a normal "Black" iPhone 4 sold by Apple and after 30 minutes of reconstructive surgery they turn it into the "White" iPhone 4 seen briefly prior to launch. Apple delayed its release of the white iPhone 4, with new rumors for it to be released in February based on Best Buy inventory logs.

Not only can they convert it to the trendy "White" color, now they are offering a new array of colors, which include Red, Blue and Pink. And no it’s not a case or sticker you attach to the iPhone but the actual glass that is colored. This makes them one of the first to offer a unique customization service for the iPhone 4 that makes the ordinary colored, black or white iPhone, a little more extraordinary.

The SmartPhone Clinic will offer a DIY kit for $189.99 or the iColors conversion for $229.99, which includes parts and labor. In addition, they offer unique back covers with options of different color glass, leather, carbon fiber, metal, wood and other designs, fitted for the iPhone 4 that are replacements for the back cover.

Being in business for only four months they’ve managed to set the bar high with 5 star ratings, a hefty Facebook fan base and referrals from wireless stores due to upset customers with no options for iPhone repair. Since opening day their business has been rapidly growing.

The SmartPhone Clinic offers mail-in orders online but also offers a more convenient walk-in location in Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

"Shockingly, everything has worked out accordingly to our initial idea," said Tony Robino. "Business has been so well that they are opening another location in Palm Beach County in March and soon after expanding to San Antonio, TX. Our goal is to be a one-stop-shop for smart devices and open The SmartPhone Clinic in every major market by 2013."

Check out their YouTube video at

To purchase "iColors" conversions for the iPhone 4 visit