Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

Factor Intros Vis Vires Road Bike

Wow… $10,000 for a bicycle, I could get a nice motorcycle or even a car for that price!  Then again it is supposedly the most technically advanced bike it the world, so I guess that’s worth something right? The Vis…

Windows 8.1 Preview Available Now

So it seems right now you can check out the new Windows 8.1, personally I’ll leave it alone. I have Windows 8 but I don’t use it, I don’t like it so 8.1 isn’t anything special to me so I’ll…

Seiki Intros 39-inch 4K Ultra HDTV

More Ultra 4K HDTV news for today, Seiki has recently announced the availability of a 39” versions of it’s 4K Ultras HDTVs. You’ll be able to pre-order them from Sears with a price tag of $699.99 tomorrow but I just…

Sharp Intros Aquos 4K Ultra HDTV

I don’t know about these, I’d like to get one but I don’t really see many movies out there or programming made to be used with 4K resolution HDTVs?! So the Aquos Ultra HD LED TV is Sharp’s first 4K…

Giada Intros BIY Barebones System D310

Giada just announced the D310 which is basically a barebones or DIY system that features the Intel HM77 Express chipset with the Intel Celeron 1037U processor inside. Like all Giada system this one is very small at 236mm x 182mm…