Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

Speck Intros New iPhone Cases

I was just thinking it’s been quite a while really since we’ve covered any Speck products here, and then this appeared in my inbox. Speck has just announced several new cases for the iPhone. Well it’s actually two cases I…

Otterbox HTC One Case Out Now

So if you need a case for your phone, you want the best and that would be Otterbox. At least that’s my opinion on things, and I have the HTC One coming next week so I need to get a…

3DMark Launches Android Benchmark

Not long ago 3DMark launched their latest benchmark for PCs, now it’s out for Android, or at least a version of it is specifically for Android devices. The best part I think is that it’s free and you can go…

AT&T Announced HTC First Facebook Phone

I just don’t understand why companies send out press releases without pictures and broken links in them?!  There’s no pictures of the HTC First on the AT&T site of the HTC site and there’s none included with the PR. In…