Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

Belkin Introduces @TV

Where do they come up with these names? Seriously @TV or ‘at TV‘? Why? Anyway, the new @TV will let you watch live and recorded TV anywhere on your phone or tablet or even laptop. You can use it with…

Nintendo Announces 3DS XL

I knew this was going to happen, they should have introduced the XL 3DS first and then came out with a smaller version. Anyway, comes August 19th you can get the new larger version of the Nintendo 3DS aptly named…

Verizon Announces FIOS Quantum

So how about some faster internet access? Verizon has just announced FIOS Quantum which will be offering 300mbps speeds and a few other choices as well. I have FIOS and I like it a lot, I’ve never had an issue…