Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

NZXT Launches the Switch 810 Special Edition

I’ve already reviewed the NZXT constantly pursues innovative ways to manufacture the best cases possible in the market. During the development of Switch 810, a lot of passion went into the design phase of this chassis and many bold decisions…

Diablo III Out Now!

Yes the long-awaited sequel is finally out, but I won’t be getting it.  Oh I will eventually but only after the bugs are worked out and a few patches have been released. Yep, I quit buying games on launch day.…

Review of XJacKer PS3 Kit

I haven’t seen many console accessories in a while but I’ve got a few of them coming for you, starting today with the XJacker PS3 Kit. I’m sure right now you’re wondering what the heck an XJacker is, well it’s…