Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

Review of Verbatim Pocket Card Reader

Today I’ve got a brief review for you of a rather small product from Verbatim called the Pocket Card Reader. It’s just like it sounds, it’s a small and portable card reader that you can take with you on the…

Review of Raidmax Viper PC Case

Today for review I’ve got another PC case, it’s the new on from Raidmax called the Viper. These case features three 120mm cooling fans pre-installed, along with tool-less installation for your hard drive and 5.25” bays. The case also features…

Befuddled Together Comes to iOS

For $1.99 you can get Befuddled Together now! Personally I’ve never heard of Befuddled, but apparently it’s a very popular game on iOS and now they’ve just released a multiplayer version of it so you can get befuddled together with…