Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

The LG Nitro HD Comes to AT&T

AT&T has just got a new phone and it’s a big one, the LG Nitro HD that features a 4.5” screen. That big screen runs at 1280×720 resolution and will be available December 4th for $249.99 with a new 2yr…

Free iOS Game: Egg Punch

Ok, how about another free game for you iOS users? This one is called Egg Punch and it’s a cute little game where protect your bird’s egg from scheming rabbits. The game is like a mini-golf game really where players…

Free Android Game: Fallen Realms

Sega and Papaya have teamed up to bring Fallen Realms RPG to Android for free. Yep, another free game for you and this is one that I’m grabbing right now. Fallen Realms is an RPG as I’ve said but it…

Noctua announces new PWM fans

I don’t think most people actually think about the fans in their PC cases, in fact I’m sure they don’t. Personally I do, I don’t obsess over them or anything  but I do care if my system sounds like a…

Free iOS Game: Zombie Lane

Zombies are everywhere it seems aren’t they? I think it would make life very interesting if a zombie outbreak actually happened, society would fall and it would anarchy in the streets. Yeah interesting is a word for it. Anyway, until…

Splashtop Comes to the Kindle Fire

Remote access to your computer can be very useful no mater if you’re across town or across the world, and now you can do it on the Kindle Fire now thanks to Splashtop. The main app is $2.99 from the…