Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

New BioShock Infinite Screenshots

Bioshock Infinite looks as though it’s going to be the game to get, I think it’s going to be on Par with the original Bioshock. I didn’t care for the second Bioshock, the single player mode was just too short…

New Rock Band 3 Pro Guitar Trailer

In a  few days Rock Band 3 will be out, and until then they’ve sent me over a trailer that features Professional Mode on Guitars! Check it out.. The new video vignette, released today, shows off Rock Band 3 Pro…

New 3DMark 11 Trailer and Screen Shots

Furturemark has sent me over screen shots and a video trailer to share with you on their upcoming new Benchmark 3DMark 11. It’s utilizes Direct X 11 and I have to say it just looks beautiful, I can’t wait to…

Seven inches is enough, RIM tells Jobs

Yes, that’s a real headline.. you have to wonder how that got past the editor!?   The headline is from Australia, so maybe they don’t get it over there, or maybe it was on purpose!  I do agree with this quote…

Review of HP Mini 5103 Netbook

Back in April I reviewed an HP Mini Netbook, the model 5102 and I found it too be fairly decent overall. They’ve just updated the mini to the 5103 and I’ve got it for review today. The CPU is a…