So here we are again with another printer from Canon for review. Last week I had the MG6120 All-in-one, today I have the MG8120 All-in-one photo printer. There’s some slight differences between them like the 8120 is physically taller, it…
One thing I can say is that you’ve got a ton of choices when it comes to purchasing a media player, it seems like every company out there is getting in on the action doesn’t it? Netgear just announced their…
I’ve reviewed a few Epson printers here on technogog including a few WorkForce printers like the 600 and 610. I reviewed the 600 almost two years ago actually and it’s still running great for me, so that should say something…
I’m amazed that Napster is still around actually. I never used it when it was the ‘free’ service, but with all the controversy surrounding it you’d have to wonder how they’re actually doing as a business model now. Now though…
Samsung has been really busy lately with plenty of phone launches haven’t they? Today they’ve just announced a new phone on the Cricket network. I tried Cricket several years ago, and wasn’t very happy with it, but from what I’ve…
Didn’t Blockbuster just file for bankruptcy? Or was that their brick and mortar stores only? I think Onkyo is betting on the wrong horse here with this mating of Blockbuster On Demand and their new Blu-Ray player the BD-SP808. Blockbuster…
The new SanDisk Sansa Fuze+ MP3 player is priced starting at under $100 for two versions. The 4gig version will be $70, while the 8gb is $89.99 and the 16gb is $119. It has a 2.4” QVGA LCD with capacitive…
So now it looks like you can walk into your neighborhood Staples and buy a Kindle along with accessories for it! The Kindle and Kindle 3G will be in stock soon with the DX coming later this fall. Prices will…
The Motorola Droid, is no doubt a popular phone, now we have the Droid 2 running the Android 2.2 and some beefier specs. It very much resembles the original Droid in design, and I can understand why nothing changed much…
Need a quick and easy way to add more monitors to your computer setup? The new HydraDisplay adapter allows you to connect three monitors to one one graphics card. Right now Cirago is having a contest on their FaceBook page…
You have to wonder how people come up with products, and are they actually thinking at the time they do or is something else influencing their decision?! There’s a lot of goofy products out there and new on has just…
One million phones in about 1 1/2 months isn’t bad at all, and that’s only on two carriers, T-Mobile and AT&T. Tomorrow they’ll be hitting Sprint and then Verizon, US Cellular and Cellular South will be getting some Galaxy S…
Every once in a while I run across a product that I just must have, one that I think can be very useful and it’s designed well. Visiontek just introduced the CandyBoard wireless mini keyboard and it’s one such product.…