Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

Verizon Announces LG Ally

It’s the first Android device from LG, and I can’t wait to get my hands on it.. It’s up for pre-order on May 13th with a 3.2” touch screen with full slide out QWERTY keyboard. It’ll will be available on…

Review of Pantech breEZe II

Today for review I’ve got another phone for AT&T, this one is called the Pantech breEZe II. Notice the accent on the ‘EZ’ there, this phone is meant to be easy to use and it is. It’s a clam shell…

Iron Man 2 USB Drive by Tyme Machines

Gotta love those USB drives.. and the ones from Tyme Machines are very nice, I’ve got a couple Star Wars ones and they are high quality and nicely made. Sure they’re just a basic USB drive, but it’s what’s on…

New ‘Ojo Vision’ Video Phone

There’s just something about video phones and video calling that I don’t care for… then again I don’t care much for talking on a phone either, but I’ve got no choice there, we live in a very connected time after…

Review of Microsoft KIN One

Today for review I’ve got the Microsoft KIN One from Verizon Wireless, it’s a phone that has been talked about for quite some time and many people have been eagerly awaiting its launch. Is it all that? Yes and No…

Hollywood Is Now In Total Control

This is bad… very bad for us. I don’t see how this can be a good thing at all for the average consumer. The FCC has granted Hollywood and it’s cronies the MPAA full control over what you can watch…

Borders Kobo is Up For Pre-Order

…and we’ve got yet another eBook reader hitting the market, this one is from Borders. I honestly don’t get the fascination with eBook readers, i guess until I get one I won’t huh?! Anyway the new Kobo will be $149.99…