Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

Blockbuster On Demand Comes to Samsung

So it looks as though select 2010 Samsung HDTVs, Blu-Ray players and home theater systems will be able to access Blockbuster On Demand via the Internet@TV Content Service. They’ve become part of the newly launched Samsun Apps store now, so…

Review of MSI Wind12 U230 Netbook

Today for review I’ve got the MSI Wind12 U230 netbook, it’s called a netbook but it really isn’t it could really be considered an ultra-portable notebook as it does have an AMD Athlon Neo X2 CPU in it, along with…

Intel Introduces Value Series SSDs

All I can say is that it’s about time Intel lowered their prices on SSDs and got with the program here. Yes Intel SSDs are fast, but they’re prohibitively expensive for the average user. Now though Intel has finally released…

Samsung Upgrades I5700 Galaxy Spica Smartphone

Samsung has just announced an upgraded version of their Galaxy Spica Smartphone that utilizes Android 2.1. The upgrade features augmented reality technology and enhanced multi-media features along with an upgrade to the camera offering enhanced picture options and viewing functions.…

The Bloodhound Cell Phone Detector

Here’s a product that most of us hopefully will never get the chance to see..  if you’ve paid attention tot he news you’ll know that cell phones in prison are a growing problem, and one company is addressing the issue…