Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

Private Jets Trailblazing Technology

The number of people travelling by private jet has been rising for some time now and while much has been said regarding the technology that has, in part, led to this renaissance, much less has been said about the jets…

3D Printed Customized Logo Pens

I made my mechanic a 3d printed pen a long time ago and it recently broke so I thought why not make him a customized logo pen.   Thingiverse link:

3D Printed Hexagonal Pen

My mechanic loved the 3d printed pen I made for him, but it recently broke so I figured why not make him another one and I found this one on Thingiverse that looks neat.   Thingiverse link:

3d Printed Unicorn Cookie Cutter

My wife loves unicorns so I printed the cookie cutter and then made Christmas unicorn cookies, a little overboard on the icing but that’s the best part! Wife, kids and friends loved them, and so do I, they’re just basic…

3D Printed Kitchen Sponge Holder

I love printing useful things and I’ve seen many different sponge holders over on Thingiverse but this one just popped up and I liked the looks of it. The holder is in 3 parts and it’s easy to print and…