
Vote for technogog Please

Can everyone do me a favor? Vote for us and spread the word about it please? Could you vote for technogog for a TechCrunch award for Best International Start up.

RSS Fixed Now

So… nobody told me that our RSS feed was broken… I’ve fixed it now and it’s updated, yes we’re using FeedBurner and our RSS address is now very simply: So go and subscribe and hopefully the next time it’s…

Happy 4th of July

Today is July 4th, and here in the United States it’s the day we celebrate Independence Day so this is just a quick note to say Happy 4th of July, I hope everyone enjoys their holiday or day off and…

What’s Wrong with the Xbox One?

So what’s wrong with the Xbox One? Too many things at this point it seems. In the past day or so we’ve learned a lot about the Xbox One and then we really didn’t learn that much did we? It…

Digiarty Summer Promotion

I think I should start posting more deals one here, I know I like to get a good deal on things and I’m sure you do too right? Well Digiarty is running a summer promotion, well actually it’s two of…