The Nintendo Wii has revolutionized the gaming industry, there’s no doubt about that, the other console makers are now trying to catch up with their own motion sensitive hardware like the Wii does. We all enjoy gaming, and the Wii…
A little bit ago I took a look at the preview for Up the Videogame on the PC, today I’ve got my review of the Wii version of the game. All of the versions of the game are very similar,…
So I’ve been spending some time playing Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10, and of course that came with the Wii Motion Plus, so I thought I’d share some briefs thoughts or impressions of it all with you, and then…
Zombies are the in thing these days, and one series of games has always been popular for killing zombies and that’s House of the Dead. The HOTD series of games date back pretty far, about 13 years since the arcade…
Fans of rhythm games such as Rock Band and Guitar Hero usually have gaming areas that look like the backstage of a rock concert. Usually, there are multiple plastic guitars, drums and mike strewn about the area. The unique selling…
Historically video games based on movies come up short when compared to the source material. Generally a publisher will try to cash in on the popularity of a film by quickly releasing a subpar game at the same time as…
Out of all the next gen console systems, the Wii has the most mini-game collection/party game titles. These games are composed of multiple games that can be played independently and usually take under ten minutes to complete. Some mini-game/party game…