3D Printed Filament Guide and Cleaner for Monoprice MP Select Mini–My Design

Here’s another of my designs, it’s a filament guide and cleaner for the Monoprice MP Select Mini 3D printer. I liked the idea of a filament guide and like the cleaner but there wasn’t a combo so I created one. I’ve actually re-did this and will be posted the revision shortly.

I essentially remixed a couple things to create this and added my own customizations to make it work the way I wanted and felt it needed to. The small box is the cleaner, you can just add two small pieces of sponge to the top and bottom with a little oil on it and it will clean and oil the filament as it is pulled through.

fil-guide1 fil-guide2


Here’s the Thingiverse link: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2071877