How to Cope with Social Distancing


With COVID-19 being a global pandemic, it calls limiting close contacts with the people outside your house.  It is saddening that you can spread the disease even before you know you are sick. Reports from the World Health Organization (WHO) and other global health organizations have advised everyone from all over the world to maintain social distancing. It is one meter/three feet distance from anyone around you. While this recommendation may seem simple, it has forced millions of people to stay at home. Social distancing has been proven to be one of the best ways of avoiding spreading the disease to anyone.


Who Is Most at Psychological Risk?

Even though the disease can affect anyone, some specific groups are more likely to be affected psychologically with the illnesses more than others. These folks include:

  • Those with pre-existing medical challenges – Those who are patients to other medical complications like diabetes, asthma, heart disease, and many other respiratory diseases are a vulnerable group. They may become severely affected by the virus.
  • Health workers – this group comes in regular contact with COVID patients and are likely to be affected greatly
  • Parents(s) with only one child
  • Those who once had an illness that gave them trauma

What to Wait (Emotional Reactions on Stress)

Right now, there are common emotional reactions that people are having. Stress is one of these feelings. The first way to rid yourself of this stress is by acknowledging and accepting your feelings. Know that it is very okay to have the feeling that you are having right now. Do not let this stress make you fall into a depression. Instead, look for meditation exercises that will help you relieve stress. From these programs, you will know how to let your feelings and thoughts go without getting overwhelmed. You can as well channel your emotions to creative activities like poetry, music, painting, drawing, singing, and other activities that you find to be hobbies.

How to cope

When asked to stay at home to lessen the spread of an illness or exposure to transmission, people tend to cut off their regular routines. Should it be this way? Not at all. Below are some of the things you can do while you are social distancing at home:

  • Limit news – At such a time as this, very many sites and blogs are providing updates and information regarding the pandemic. Be sure that you feed your mind with news from trusted organizations like WHO and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  • Focus on positive – In connection to limiting your sources of news, you are also supposed to balance between watching the news and watching some other beneficial programs: this reduces feelings of anxiety that comes when you get too much exposure to the news all the time. Read and watch movies and other inspirational and motivational languages that will help your mind focus on what is positive.
  • Follow a daily routine – the human body delights in following a daily routine. Allow yourself to benefit from the flow that comes from a daily routine. Write down some of the things that you feel you should accomplish and make a schedule with these activities.
  • Stay virtually into – Don’t neglect to chat with your friends and family friends. Play some only games from your phone or laptop. Use phone apps like ZOOM and SKYPE to have video and audio communications with your loved ones. If you can connect your phone through Wi-Fi and the internet, you are good to go.
  • Healthy lifestyle – a healthy lifestyle consists of regular exercise, enough sleep, and healthy diets. If you were seeing your psychologist, get to know if the lessons can be phone-based and continue with them. Reduce stress by avoiding substances like drugs and alcohol.
  • Online and video-games – medical research shows that playing video games to a specific limit has health benefits. It reduces stress, increases vision, improves multitasking abilities, and lightens depressions. If you are an online gamer, you can earn real money by playing online casino games. Nowadays, there are very many casino websites that offer no-deposit bonuses and will also give you a chance to play some online games.


Even as we hope that the cases of COVID-19 will reduce soon, it is essential to understand that the disease can affect anyone. That is why medical practitioners advise us to maintain social distancing wherever we are. Everyone has got a role to play in reducing the spread of the disease and protect themselves and their community.