Tag Archive for Android

Free Android App: AT&T Smart Wi-Fi

Wow, look at that, something free from AT&T! Yes AT&T is giving you a free app to help you find wi-fi hotspots. I have a sneaky suspicion though that this has  a lot to do with you           Using Wi-Fi…

Find You Lost Phone with SeekDroid

I’ve never lost or had a my phone stolen thankfully, I’m not sure what I would do if it ever happened. I know I wouldn’t be too happy about it. I do have two phones I use though, an Android…

Xoom Gets 4G LTE Upgrade Tomorrow

Wow, it seems like this upgrade took forever doesn’t it? I forgot the Xoom even existed at this point, how many other tablets have come and gone since the Xoom launched? Anyway, for those that still have their Xoom, and…

Free Android App: Meporter

Ever wanted to be a reporter? now everyone can with Mereporter, which is a free app for your Android phone. It’s in the beta right now, but it allows anyone to report the news as they see it happening and…

Free iOS App: HiDrive

Here’s another free app for you iOS users out there, this one comes with a bonus as well, 5 gigs of cloud storage! HiDrive was just announced as being available today in the App Store and it enables you to…

Qach! Comes to Android

I guess there’s a place for cute little games like this, not for me though, I like action and adventure type games personally. This new game is for your Android device and it’s called Qach!, which I’m guessing is pronounced…

Verizon and LG Enlighten us!

Yes it seems Verizon and LG want to Enlighten us with their new Android phones aptly names the Enlighten! I’m a bit surprised by the specs on this phone though, it’s only running an 800Mhz CPU?! Most phones out there…