Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

Seagate Intros New NAS Specific Hard Drive

This is unexpected but welcome I would think, Seagate Technology today took the wraps off its new Seagate® NAS HDD—a cutting-edge drive custom-built for always-on, one- to five-bay network attached storage (NAS) systems. Engineered with performance and reliability in mind,…

Mad Max Game Coming in 2014

Wow, I have to say I’m excited about this game but I have to wonder what took so long? The Mad Max movie came out in 1979 and The Road Warrior came out in 1981, it’s now 2013. One could…

Apple Intros iTunes Radio

So it appears Apple is now in the streaming radio business and I can see the future of iPhone owners is looking pretty bad in terms of data usage. From what I’ve read the iPhone uses a lot of data…

Microsoft Intros New Xbox 360

Well this was a big surprise to me, I mean seriously a new Xbox 360 when you just announced the Xbox One? Makes no sense to me, but hey why not? There’s already how many different versions of the 360…

Apple Intros iOS 7

I don’t understand why E3 and WWDC are going on at the same time? Makes no sense to me to have two shows at the same time to split the audience, one would think there are other open weeks to…