Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

Case Scenario at CES

And yes it’s more CES news for you, another few press releases for you, this time it’s from Case Scenario and they’ve got plenty of new cases for your iPhone 5. yes it’s all iPhone 5 cases for you, and…

Griffin at CES

And now it’s Griffin at CES, and I’ve got five press releases for you from them about their new product announcements  like the Crayola Light Marker for the iPad and new stuff for kids like Spongebob, Dora and the Teenage…

Roccat at CES

Yes more CES news, and I’ve got a lot more coming after this. There’s plenty in here but of note is the fact that Roccat has just announced their first ever mechanical keyboard called the Ryos that has per-key lighting…

Corsair at CES

Ok, so I’m back with more CES news. Corsair sent out several press releases about their new product announcements so I’ve decided to combine them into one for you and to make my life easier. Corsair has announced several new…

Sony Announces the Xperia Z

So I’ve been trying to get a hold of a Nokia Lumia 920 for a while and it hasn’t been in stock, it came back in stock but the price has gone back up, but now I see this new…

Four New BioShock Infinite ScreenShots

So let’s take a quick break in the CES news, and look at gaming, specifically four new BioShock Infinite ScreenShots. Not much to say about them as there was no description included, jsut a note saying: “Irrational Games has released…

Thermaltake at CES Roundup

So I’ve got a big press release for you, Thermaltake did it right and sent out one big PR concerning their goings on at CES while most other companies send out several of them . Oh well, to each his…