Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

Xerox Mobile Scanner Cuts the Wires

Here’s something rather cool, a wireless scanner from Xerox called the Mobile Scanner (creative name..). It works with virtually any device like the iPhone, iPad, PC, Mac or Android. Price is $250 and that’s a bit high I think, but…

Verizon Intros the Jetpack by ZTE

4G is here to stay even though it’s not exactly everywhere right now. It is quite a few places right now, and those that have it should be happy they do. Hotspots are great and Verizon has just introduced the…

Combat Arms: Zombies Comes to iOS

Now this is a game I want for my Android tablets, but apparently I’ll have to wait until ‘early next year’ which I’m guessing is 2013, and that’s a long time to wait. Anyway, you iOS users can get in…