Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

Steve Jobs Has Died

Sad news this evening. Steve Jobs has died at age 56.  Apple has updated their site with a large picture of Jobs with his birth and death dates. You can click through for a message and an email address to…

Apple to Launch iCloud on October 12

Is your head in the clouds? Well it soon can be, the iCloud anyway where you’ll be able to access iTunes in the Cloud, Photo Stream and Documents in the Cloud, that work seamlessly with your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch,…

Apple Launches iPhone 4S and iOS 5

Yeah, yeah the Apple news is coming. I’ve been busy all day and yesterday getting a friend’s site online or I would have had this posted earlier.  Anyway, the iPhone 4S is here, wait it’s not an iPhone 5? Anyway…

Crysis Hits the Consoles Today!

It looks like you need to dust off your nanosuit, because Crysis is on your consoles today! Yes it’s finally here and totally remastered just for the consoles. My only question is: Can it run Crysis? Price is $19.99 on…

Free Android App: The Washington Post

Here’s a free app for your Tuesday morning, it’s all about the news from The Washington Post. Yes they’ve finally released the Android version of this app, only took a couple years getting from Apple to Android. The app has…

Dungeons & Dragons Come to Facebook

I don’t think I’ve ever posted anything about Facebook in regards to games yet, but this one seemed worthwhile.  It is Dungeons & Dragons after all. Personally I’ve never played any game son Facebook, but if you’re up for some…