Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

Happy Holidays from Verizon Wireless!

If you’re looking for a good phone for yourself or as a gift this holiday season then you might want to add Verizon Wireless as a stop on your place to visit as they’re going to have several great phones…

Netflix Getting ABC and Disney Shows

Love my Netflix and there’s now just more reason to love them. Agreement Includes Prior Seasons of ABC Hits ‘Grey’s Anatomy,’ ‘Desperate Housewives’ and ‘Brothers & Sisters,’ plus Favorites from Disney Channel and First-Time Netflix Access to ABC Family Shows.…

Review of Samsung Continuum

Hey look it’s another phone review! Today for review I’ve got the Samsung Galaxy S Continuum from Verizon Wireless. This phone is sleek and nicely made, it features dual screens, one is the main screen and the other is a…

RunCore Intros 3.5 inch SSD Drives

Most SSDs are 2.5” in size, they are some 3.5” ones of course, but RunCore has now joined in with their own 3.5” SSDs that are compatible with SATA6 for speeds of more than 500MB/s and a maximum capacity of…