Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

TomTom Introduces Roadside Assistance

It was bound to happen right? It’s a match made in heaven surely, TomTom and Roadside assistance, it makes a lot of sense to pair them together! TomTom, today launched a Roadside Assistance service for all users of TomTom’s world-class…

Batman: Arkham City Screen Shots and Renders

Batman: Arkham City will be out late next year, but here’s some screen shots and renders for you to see now to whet your appetite.. Developed by Rocksteady Studios, Batman: Arkham City builds upon the intense, atmospheric foundation of Batman:…

More Pictures of the Pantech Laser

Last week I told you about the new Pantech Laser for AT&T, well they were kind enough to send some more pictures to share with you.. I’ll have one for review soon, it should be arriving any day now. For…

New Kitchen Gadget Takes Country By Storm

The SmartShopper SS301 has been featured on many daytime TV shows and it seems like it’s getting decent reviews. It’s basically a grocery shopping list, but it’s high-tech with LCD Screen, voice recognition and a built-in printer. I don’t know…