I’ve never quite understood how you can enjoy reading a book on a phone, the screen is just too small, but if you’re into that sort of thing you might like the the fact that you can now have access…
Hey, you like Avatar? How about an Avatar themed cell phone cover? Coveroo has just announced a new line of 20 designs based on Avatar for your cell phone, and they’re inexpensive at about $20. -Coveroo, creator of the highest-quality…
It seems like everyone is coming out with a Tablet PC, and that’s a good thing really, especially since most of these are Android based. In Media Corp has announced one as well now that runs Android 2.1 and has…
So it looks as though Sprint is now offering a pre-owned program, which of course makes sense and is a good deal for the end consumer who can get a good phone at a low price. Sprint Nextel today announced…
We love our NAS boxes here at technogog, I myself run two of them a Synology and a Thecus and I don’t know what I would do without them really. They’ve fully replaced any external hard drive backups, it’s faster…
You can grab the prologue Dead Space Ignition for free with pre-order or as of today you can grab it for only 400 points on Xbox.. Visceral Games today announced that Dead Space™ Ignition, the prologue to the January blockbuster…
Yep, Medal of Honor is here, and I don’t have a copy for review.. hmm.. but check back later this week and I’ll have some other games for you for PC, Xbox360 and even Wii! For now go out and…
Hey look more TomTom news today! This could be very interesting, it’s basically a create your own TomTom GPS device. It’s called ‘My Custom TomTom GPS’ and it allows you to print pretty much anything on your TomTom device to…
It was bound to happen right? It’s a match made in heaven surely, TomTom and Roadside assistance, it makes a lot of sense to pair them together! TomTom, today launched a Roadside Assistance service for all users of TomTom’s world-class…
External storage is a big business, look around and you’ll see all sorts of flash drives and portable hard drives for sale. People use them for everything from backups to transferring files to media uses and they all work well,…
Batman: Arkham City will be out late next year, but here’s some screen shots and renders for you to see now to whet your appetite.. Developed by Rocksteady Studios, Batman: Arkham City builds upon the intense, atmospheric foundation of Batman:…
Last week I told you about the new Pantech Laser for AT&T, well they were kind enough to send some more pictures to share with you.. I’ll have one for review soon, it should be arriving any day now. For…
The SmartShopper SS301 has been featured on many daytime TV shows and it seems like it’s getting decent reviews. It’s basically a grocery shopping list, but it’s high-tech with LCD Screen, voice recognition and a built-in printer. I don’t know…