Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

Zune Goes International!

Hey it’s some Zune news, wow! It’s been a long time since I’ve seen any, and it’s a shame really, I love my Zunes and I wish they were supported more than they are. I have the Zune120 and the…

Synology DSM 3.0 is Out for Synology NAS Boxes

Synology has officially released the new operating system for their NAS Boxes, DSM 3.0.  I’ve been using it since the beta came out and it’s certainly different and offers quite a lot of new features. Synology will release DiskStation Manager…

Flip Intros New HD Camcorders

Flip has just announced two new camcorders, the MinoHD and the UltraHD that can do 720P video. I need to get me one of these for view I think. The Flip MinoHD one hour comes in silver and has a…

PlayStation Move Coming September 19th

Yes you read that right, the Move will be here in a couple days! Now I have to get a PS3 huh?! It will be available separately and in bundles Sony today announced PlayStation Move will be available exclusively for…

Oakley Does 3D!

Yes you read that right, Oakley is now going to be making 3D glasses. These are for people like me that don’t like wearing 3D glasses, they’ll be stylish and we’ll want to wear them. Oakley, Inc. today announced that…