Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

Review of Samsung Eternity II SGH-a597

Today I’ve got another Samsung phone review for you, this time it’s the Eternity II that was just released for AT&T. It’s a multi-media and social centric phone with a 3” touch screen. The Eternity II features a full HTML…

Android on the iPhone!

It’s sacrilege I tell you, how dare they desecrate the wonderful iPhone with Android! If you iPhone owners ever wondered what all the fuss was about with Android, now you can see for yourself. Yes, it’s true you can now…

Review of Samsung Captivate SGH-i897

Let me start this off by saying that I think it’s about time AT&T has finally gotten a decent Android phone! The Samsung Galaxy S or Captivate is here to save us from the mediocrity that is what AT&T is…

NOW LIVE: Synology DSM 3.0 beta

Those of you that have one of many Synology Nas boxes might be interested in this, the new DSM 3.0 beta is now available. I’ll be downloading it shortly and maybe I’ll post a bit more about it once I…